The following letter was sent to the Clerk of the Georgia Supreme Court to request oral argument.
May 18, 1999 Ms. Sherie M. Welch Clerk, Supreme Court of Georgia 244 Washington Street Atlanta, Georgia
Re: In Re: J. Allen
Grimsley v. John Cole Vodicka, et al.
No. S99Y1154 Dear Ms. Welch:This letter is pursuant to Rule 51 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Georgia. I am requesting oral argument in the above-entitled case, and certify that I have notified counsel for the opposing parties in writing of my intention to argue the case orally. I also certify that I have made inquiry as to whether they intend also to argue orally.William P. Smith, III, General Counsel for the State Bar of Georgia, indicated to me in a phone conversation that he did not feel he was involved in the case. However, if he was involved, he would like to have oral argument. J. Allen Grimsley’s answer as to whether or not he wanted oral argument was less certain than Mr. Smith’s. Thurbert E. Baker, Attorney General of the State of Georgia, has not responded to my written notification concerning his position on oral argument. If the Court wishes to determine the certainty of each of these individual’s positions, it is probably best that the Court make independent inquiry. Please stamp the enclosed copy of the first page of this letter “received and filed” and return to me in the enclosed stamped envelope. Thank you for your attention in this matter.
Millard Farmer
Georgia Bar No. 255300 Counsel for John Cole Vodicka and Tim Mellen
J. Allen Grimsley
William P. Smith, III
Thurbert E. Baker