6.   The Instructive Element

  A mixture of facts and law, the instructive element is that part of Action Motions 2K10 with which you must persuade the triers of fact that the demands made through the motion have a basis in reason, legality and morality.

Examples of the Instructive Element

A Concise Statement of the Principles of Laws Involved in this Now Alleged Capital Murder Case

In order for Douglas Palmer to be convicted of capital murder and executed, the State of Texas must prove he intentionally killed Mr. Merriman and deliberately engaged in a conduct with the reasonable expectation that it would cause Mr. Merriman's death.

Spectators at the Motion Hearings Are Being Intimidated

A series of incidents that took place during pre-trial motion hearings in this case, on Tuesday, June 26th and Wednesday, July 9th, demonstrate that the right of the public to view courtroom proceedings has been repeatedly and impermissibly abused.

Violation of the Order Is Only One Small Portion of the Prosecutorial Misconduct Engaged In By Randy Sherrod

Randall Sherrod deceives, he lies and he sanctions the use of false information.  The electorate is entitled to receive information about Randall Sherrod's prosecutorial misconduct in order to make informed choices at election time. The people's money should not be wasted on Randall Sherrod's prosecutorial misconduct.

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