The Economic Models of Representation

 The economic models of representation can be broken down into the following designations.

     The Privately Engaged Attorney
     The Court Appointed Attorney
     The Public Defender Provided Attorney
     Private Interest Provided Attorney

 Each of the descriptive categories in the Economic models of representation present constitutional problems that pose threats to justice and equality.  Without a detailed explanation of the variation on each of these categories, we will briefly identify the scope of these classifications.

 The Privately Engaged Attorney    This once predominate method of compensation of attorneys has almost fallen into obscurity in major cases involving violent crimes.  The cost of engaging competent private counsel is out of financial reach for most persons in the criminal justice system.  Persons with relatively small amounts of financial resources usually attempt to engage attorneys who offer representation at an affordable price.  Often the services provided by this type of attorney are in keeping with the cheap price.  Naturally, persons with good judgment in engaging counsel and adequate financial resources step to the head of the line when justice is administered.  Often privately engaged counsel are not compensated adequately to engage in a sustained attack on the fairness of the entire criminal justice process.

 The Court Appointed Attorney    Attorneys obtained thought this method of compensation vary greatly as to both competency and commitment to the accused person.  When the government selects the attorney who is to determine if the government is providing a fair tribunal or if the government is only providing an arena for a bullfight, there are immense constitutional problems.  What happens to the attorney that attacks the government?  Does the attorney receive full compensation for the time spent on the attack?

 The Public Defender Provided Attorney    Many dedicated attorneys work as public defenders.  Do these attorneys work with a glass ceiling over the attacks that they are permitted to make against the process of the government?  

 Private Interest Provided Attorney    Many private interest organizations provide invaluable services to persons who could not have good representation otherwise.  Like all of the various economic models, this model has a great potential for a conflict with the best interest of the client.

 By identifying these economic models, we identify a myriad of conflict of interest issues that are not adequately corrected in the criminal justice process.  Are these conflict of interest issues being litigated, or is the economic interest and absence of understanding of the conflict issue of attorneys deterring this type of litigation?
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