D.  The Purpose of Conflictineering

In a sentence, the purpose of conflictineering is to obtain an advantage in resolving an issue. The purpose of conflictineering and the reasons for its use are very much interrelated. We use conflictineering to obtain power.
 The wealthy, the socially prominent and the politically powerful  individuals in our society have daily access to power that we try to obtain for a downtrodden person only on rare occasions. The powerless need every possible technique and skill to help balance the scales of fairness for them in a society that promises, but fails to deliver equality. By using conflictineering, a minority group or an individual can strongly encourage an individual or entity that has control over their fate, or even most of society, to weaken its position. Conflictineering is changing the direction and desires of your adversaries. It gives power to those otherwise denied power.
 Two surprising benefit to advocates who frequently use conflictineering have been
 (1)  a high overall approval rating from their clients and
 (2) the ability to sustain a higher than normal energy and interest level in resolving the litigation.
 We must, therefore, add these benefits as additional purposes for using conflictineering. Anything that increases client confidence in us as their advocates and sustains our energy level is an unreplaceable asset.  Clients who have confidence in their advocate most often follow the advice of the advocate and therefore become team members who help reach a solution and are not a part of the problem.

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